We hope you’ve recovered from the wonderful month of events that led up to Sunday’s astonishing, marathon, jubilant World Pride March through Manhattan.
We had a lot to celebrate, not the least of it being the signing into law, just before we stepped off, of the bill banning the use of the gay and trans panic defenses in murder cases in New York. We also had huge successes earlier this year in the enactment of GENDA and the statewide ban on conversion therapy.
We are not even pausing in our efforts to push for equality under the law. As we prepare to start work on next year’s agenda, we wanted to an image that shows just how important a force LeGaL has become. The bottom picture is last year’s group of marchers from the LGBT Bar Association of New York. The top picture is this year’s contingent. That’s almost five times as many marchers.
Our engagement has been recognized across the power structures, not just in the LGBT rights movement ,but in the corridors of Albany as well. Because of your dedication to LeGaL’s work, we’re reaching new heights, and have new doors open to us to produce legislative changes that will protect all LGBT New Yorkers. As Governor Cuomo is so fond of saying, “When New York leads, the other states follow.”
So, thank you all for being LeGaL. Please take advantage of all that your membership offers, join committees, and help in our clinics. (Sneak preview: our next big thing is going to be the annual Fire Island Pool Party, so get ready!)
And, save the date! Our 2020 Annual Gala will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2020. And we’ll have lots more in between.
With respect, pride, and gratitude,
Eric Lesh, Executive Director
Kristen Prata Browde, Board President