Say it with me: SCOTUS nomination process must not move forward until after November

Eric Lesh
2 min readJun 27, 2018


Join LeGaL’s SCOTUS Justice Rapid-Response Team

By now you’ve heard the news. The architect of every major pro-equality ruling in the last two decades, Justice Anthony Kennedy, is retiring.

Yesterday marked exactly 3 years since the marriage equality ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, 5 years since the end of “skim-milk” marriages in U.S. v. Windsor, and 15 years since the end of sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas.

Today it is up to us to preserve that legacy. Our civil rights hang in the balance.

Right now is a pivotal, all-hands-on-deck moment for everyone who cares about justice, equality, and judicial independence.

We need you to join us as we fight for a fair-minded, pro-equality Justice.

That is why LeGaL stands with @civilrightsorg and our LGBT partner organizations like Lambda Legal in demanding that the SCOTUS nomination process be delayed until after November, so that the American people can make their voices heard at the ballot box.

We are building a rapid-response team that’s ready to take action as we wait for Trump to nominate, and push to confirm the next Supreme Court Justice.

Join LeGaL’s SCOTUS Justice Rapid-Response Team.



Eric Lesh
Eric Lesh

Written by Eric Lesh

Executive Director, LeGaL @lgbtbarny. Attorney promoting justice in & through the legal profession for the #LGBT community. 40 Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40.

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