May 2018 LGBT Law Notes: “Trans Military Ban Must Survive Strict Scrutiny”
LGBT Law Notes is your source for keeping up with the many legal developments affecting the LGBT community. It is the most comprehensive monthly publication available summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.
For more than thirty years, Law Notes has been reporting on LGBT and AIDS/HIV legal developments. The publication also highlights the latest scholarly articles and publications of interest and also lists new job openings in the public interest LGBT rights legal field.
Law Notes is published monthly with a combined July/August summer issue. Subscribe today or become a member of The LGBT Bar Association of NY to access the latest issue of Law Notes upon publication.
Inside This Issue:
Click on the headline for a quick preview
- Federal Court Rejects Trump Administration Ploy and Orders Trial on Trans Military Ban
- Mississippi Supreme Court Avoids Dealing with Parental Presumption by Embracing Equitable Estoppel in Custody/Visitation Dispute between Lesbian Former Spouses
- Arizona Appeals Court Endorses Parent’s Right to Raise Transgender Child in Accordance With Child’s Gender Identity