LeGaL: Senate Must Investigate Sexual Assault Allegation and Halt Kavanaugh Confirmation Vote
In light of recent sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh, LeGaL, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, is calling for the Senate Judiciary Committee to postpone its Thursday confirmation vote.
The allegations of sexual assault against Judge Brett Kavanaugh are very detailed, and deeply serious. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is brave to come forward with her story. Her story should be heard, and she deserves to be treated fairly, with dignity and respect.
This confirmation process has lacked transparency from the start. The Senate cannot move forward with this lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land without the results of a fair, non-partisan, and thorough process.
LeGaL is joining the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and 45 civil rights groups to call for an investigation and a halt to the scheduled Senate Judiciary Committee vote.