LeGaL applauds Gov Cuomo for making protecting transgender New Yorkers a top legislative priority
Today, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that he was making passage of the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) to top legislative priority for 2019. GENDA adds “gender identity or expression” to the language of the existing NYS Human Rights Law that protects against discrimination in the areas of employment, health care, housing, public transportation, public accommodations, and credit.
LeGaL applauds Governor for standing up for transgender civil rights by making GENDA a top legislative priority. At a time when the Trump Administration is attacking transgender people, including students and service members, it is critical that the New York take immediate action to pass GENDA!
There are now 20 states that have laws banning discrimination and harassment against transgender individuals. New York is not one of them. As an organization comprised of attorney members, many of whom also provide pro bono legal services through our foundation’s legal clinics, we are especially mindful of the discrimination frequently experienced by members of the transgender community. It is time for all New Yorkers to be protected from shameful discrimination.
The LGBT Bar Association of New York (LeGaL) was one of the nation’s first bar associations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender legal community. LeGaL is dedicated to improving the administration of the law, ensuring full equality for members of the LGBT community and promoting the expertise and advancement of LGBT legal professionals.