JOIN OUR CALL-IN: Trump’s SCOTUS Pick and What’s at Stake for Civil Rights
We are hosting a national call-in on July 10th at noon — the day after Trump announces his SCOTUS pick.
Tuesday, July 10
12:00–12:30 p.m.
*Phone Number Provided Ahead of Call
Join us for a special post-announcement call to discuss Trump’s SCOTUS pick, the nominee’s record, and what we can do to #SaveSCOTUS!
Shannon Minter, Legal Director, National Center for Lesbian Rights
Leslie Proll, Civil rights lawyer, advising NAACP on judicial nominations
Eric Lesh, Executive Director of LeGaL, LGBT Bar of NY
Listen here to a special podcast on Justice Kennedy’s LGBT legacy, featuring Eric Lesh of LeGaL and Professor Arthur Leonard of New York Law School.