Connecticut Should Be Getting the US’ 1st Gay Chief Justice, But the GOP is Merrick Garland-ing Him
The LGBT Bar Association of New York is profoundly disappointed by the hold-up of the nomination of Justice Andrew McDonald by what appears to be grossly partisan maneuvering, as well as homophobic animus. Justice McDonald could, and should, become the first openly gay male Chief Justice in the US.
According to the New York Times:
Justice McDonald’s nomination has been backed by newspaper editorials across the state, as well as by law school deans, the state bar association and dozens of lawyers, including Democrats and Republicans, who wrote a letter of support.
We are urging the Senate to put fair courts and judicial independence above partisanship and anti-LGBT bigotry.
From our letter to the CT Senate:
Justice Andrew McDonald is extraordinarily qualified for the position of Connecticut Chief Justice. He has served as an Associate Justice of the State Supreme Court for five years, and prior to that, a State Senator for eight years. He has more experience than any Justice except Justice Richard Palmer.
Beyond the Court, Justice McDonald reached the pinnacle of every other branch of State government and private practice. An honors graduate of UConn Law School, Justice McDonald practiced for 20 years and became a partner at Pullman & Comley. In addition, he served as General Counsel to the Governor before being elevated to the bench.
The General Assembly must confirm Justice McDonald, or risk betraying the objectivity of judicial nominations as well as the trust of the many voters for whom such decisions are determinative of future support. We strongly urge you to support his confirmation.
There is a rally on Sunday to #ConfirmMcDonald. Join in.